2025’s Annual Special Events are here.

In-Person & Ongoing Programs

Facemasks are optional. Please join us online if you are experiencing any symptoms.

Saturday Meditation Service 10:00 – 11:20 am:

This hybrid program includes several types of meditation practice. We begin with qigong movement followed by 30 minutes of sitting meditation. Sutra and prayer chanting follow then lying down meditation. Plan to arrive by 9:50.

Sunday Dharma Service 10:00 - 11:20 am:

We practice with qigong, chanting, silent sitting, and a dharma talk. Plan to arrive by 9:50. You may also join us via our YouTube channel.

Our Saturday and Sunday programs include instructions and guided meditation. If you are new to our temple, this is a good place to start.

Tuesday Evening Meditation 7:30 – 8:30 pm: We gather on Tuesday evening in person and via Zoom. This practice includes stretching, sitting, lying down, and chanting. Enjoy the soft chi energy of the evening which supports our meditation in silence and peace. To receive a Zoom link, please email rev.shaun.song@gmail.com.

Morning Meditation at the Chapel Hill Temple (7 days a week) 6:30 – 7:30 am: Each day there is 30 minutes of silent sitting meditation, then short chanting and yoga stretching. Starting your day with meditation helps to set the tone of your day in mindfulness and clarity.

Thursday Dharma Study & Discussion Groups (10 am & 7 pm): Our study groups explore Won-Buddhist scripture and other dharma books. The Scriptures of Won Buddhism contains the doctrinal teachings of Founding Master Sotaesan, as well as his discourses. As a community, we share questions, comments, and insights to cultivate wisdom. Newcomers are welcome anytime. 

Please consider taking the "Won Buddhism Introductory Class" before joining our dharma study group.

Introductory Class on Buddhism & Won Buddhism (every other month): Anyone who is curious about the essential teachings and philosophies of Won Buddhism is welcome. Join us with your questioning and inquisitive minds. To learn when the next class is scheduled, check our website home page or request to be added to our email list. This class is held in the residence next to the dharma hall. Suggested donation is $10-30.

Everyone is welcome to join our ongoing Temple programs. Before you arrive, please read about Temple etiquette. You are welcome on any day to enjoy walking in the beauty of the Meditation Garden.

Suggested donations are $5 - $20 for adults ($5 for students). The Temple is self-supporting through your donations alone. Your financial support, according to your ability, allows us to continue Temple programs and outreach work. Monthly pledges are particularly helpful.