2:00 PM14:00

Spring Retreat at the Raleigh Temple

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring Retreat

at the Raleigh Temple

2-6 PM, Saturday, Mar 22

Our spiritual cultivation is attuned to seasonal energies. Here in the Piedmont of North Carolina, spring energy already stirs. Through this half-day meditation retreat, let us tune our minds, bodies, and spirits to the energy of the season. This four-hour practice near Falls Lake Woods will help us open our hearts to connect with nature—and with our true nature.  Your kind donation will graciously support our Raleigh Center ( The suggested donation for this retreat: $20-$50). 

To sign up, please click the button below.

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to Apr 11

Spring Week-long Retreat - Gratitude Awakening

  • Southern Dharma Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Gratitude Awakening”

 April 4 (4pm) - April 11 (2pm)

Signup Here.

Gratitude Awakening

April 4 (Friday) – April 11 (Friday), 2025

Do you live a life of gratitude?

Gratitude Awakening Retreat awaits you! When we are in touch with our true nature, our sense of gratitude deepens and expands beyond measure. Come and experience the joyful essence of inner and outside nature in the spring mountain forest with Rev. WonGong at Southern Dharma.

To access our inner calm, we will observe noble silence. In the flow of practice between rest and motion, we will utilize many forms of meditation—sitting, moving, journaling, breath work, and lying-down relaxation. During the retreat, you will learn a unique meditation technique in Won Buddhism—Dahnjon abiding breathing rooted in ancient Taoist practice. Our daily practice will be facilitated by the Threefold Study—equanimity, insight, and mindfulness.

We will explore the fundamental philosophy of gratitude in Won Buddhism—the Grace of Heaven & Earth, Parents, Fellow Beings, and Just Laws. We will practice finding gratitude amid difficulties and challenges, transforming anxiety and fear into hope and resilience.

This retreat will include group and individual teaching and sharing with ample free time for hiking and rest. In harmony with the interconnectedness of all things, we will practice outdoors as weather permits and bathe in the vibrant mountain early spring energy.

Please sign up only if you are committed to participating throughout the entire retreat. The retreat will provide generous personal time, but please be aware that your full participation in group activities is essential. This retreat requires prior multi-day residential retreat experience, or permission from the teacher. (Rev. WonGong’s email:

Please sign up directly HERE through Southern Dharma Retreat Center.

Rev. WonGong is a lifetime dedicated dharma teacher. She started her training in 1988 and was ordained a Kyomunim (dharma teacher) in 1994 after seven years of intensive training in Korea. She subsequently served in the KangNam Temple in Seoul and the Rockville Temple in Maryland. She obtained a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland and worked as a therapist and for Child Protective Services in North Carolina.

A pioneering Won Buddhist dharma teacher, she has established temples in Chapel Hill and Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a guest lecturer at schools, colleges and meditation centers, teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Rev. WonGong leads workshops, retreats, and youth dharma camps, integrating creative forms of meditation—body movement, vocalizing & breathing techniques, guided meditation, and laughter. She is active in the international interfaith community and is a leading Korean-to-English translator of dharma teachings, serving as a spiritual bridge between East and West.

Rev. WonGong loves gardening and singing. She has released two albums: Chants of Samadhi for Daily Practice and Chants for Healing. 

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10:00 AM10:00

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)
Jan 20, Monday, 10 am-5 pm at Chapel Hill Temple

Discover our inner Source of Self-Empowerment

In this in-person retreat, we will explore inner power through various forms of meditation to clarify our vision and renew our intentions for the New Year. Just as we train our muscles for physical strength, we cultivate our mental strength through meditation practice. Let us uncover our inner light and empower ourselves through a day of mindfulness, peace, and fellowship. 

Suggested donation range is $30-$70.

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2:00 PM14:00

Young Adults' Retreat

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New Year, New Mind - Young Adults' Mini Retreat

at Chapel Hill Temple

2-6:30 pm, Saturday, January 11

Young adults (ages 18-28) are invited to a peaceful afternoon with a mini-meditation retreat.

Come and explore several helpful methods for cultivating a clear mind—a perfect way to start the new year and semester! We will end the retreat by making a Korean dish and eating it together!

This retreat will include:

  • Meditation instruction and practice

  • Qigong (moving meditation) & Chanting

  • New Year’s intention sharing

  • Mindful cooking and eating (Korean Food)

The suggested donation range is $15-30. 

if you would like to attend, please sign up no later than January 3 by clicking the button below.

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1:00 PM13:00

Online Retreat on Winter Solstice Day

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Online Retreat on Winter Solstice Day
1-5 pm (ET), Saturday Dec. 21st

On the shortest day of the year, you are invited to join a wonderful half-day meditation retreat to pause and reflect, hibernating in our true nature. We will:

  • practice DahnJon Furnace Meditation.

  • renew our energy through qigong, decluttering, and silent meditations.

  • rest and nourish our winter spirits in a sound healing bath.

Please have with you: a journal, a mat or blanket for lying down meditation, a water bottle, and a good arrangement for sitting in meditation. Everyone is welcome! Please sign up only if you can attend for the entire time.

Suggested donation range is $15-40.
If this donation range is not feasible for you, please contact us for scholarship information.

After we receive your full registration, we will send you the Zoom link for this retreat.

We look forward to seeing you then!

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to Sep 2

Labor Day Happiness Retreat 2024

The space is full. Please join our next retreat. Thank you.

Labor Day Happiness Retreat (Sept. 1, 3 pm – Sept. 2, 5 pm)

On this Labor Day weekend, we deserve to be free from labor, experiencing a relaxed mind and body. Come to this 2-day (overnight) retreat and connect with the happy, joyful heart within.

Guided by Rev. WonGong, we will practice many forms of meditation, including tea ceremony, traditional Korean drumming, singing bowl meditation, and a few surprises. Throughout the retreat, we will expand our happy, care-free energy!

Meals will be provided. All levels of practitioners are welcome. To honor the energy of the retreat, please plan to attend the entire retreat (3 PM Sunday through 5 PM Monday). You may stay overnight in the temple residence, in your own tent, or you may commute.

The suggested donation range is $50-$120. (Scholarships will be considered by prior request.)
When you transmit your donation, please make the notation for “Labor Day Retreat.”

Cancellation Policy:

· If you cancel 7 or more days prior to the retreat, your payment will be refunded in full.

· If you cancel less than 7 days in advance of the retreat, a nonrefundable credit toward a future NC Temple retreat program is available.

· No credit or refund is available if you cancel on the day of retreat, or if you leave the retreat early for any reason.  

For questions, please call us at 919-933-6946 or email us at

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2:00 PM14:00

Young Adults' Mini Retreat - Cleared Spirit, Focused Mind (Saturday, May 4)

Cleared Spirit, Focused Mind - Young Adult's Mini Retreat

at Chapel Hill Temple

2-6 pm, Saturday, May 4

Come meet and join a community of like-minded young adults!

It’s easier to learn meditation and stay motivated to clear your spirit when we practice together!

Young adults (ages 18-29) are invited to a peaceful afternoon with a mini-meditation retreat at the Won Buddhist Temple in Chapel Hill.

Come and explore several helpful methods for cultivating a clear mind—a perfect way to finish your semester! We will end the retreat by making the Korean dish, JapChae, and eating mindfully together!

The suggested donation range is $15-$40. 

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to Apr 11

In Nature, Our True Nature (at Southern Dharma Retreat Center)

  • Southern Dharma Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Nature, Our True Nature

 April 5 (4pm) - April 11 (2pm)

In Nature, Our True Nature

Led by Rev. WonGong

April 5 (Friday) – April 11 (Thursday), 2024

Come and experience truth—the truth of our own nature!

Spring invites us to invoke our lively chi-energy. Come and experience the joy of our true nature with Rev. WonGong at the Southern Dharma Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

To go deep into our inner calm, we will observe noble silence, practicing many forms of meditation—sitting, movement, nature contemplation, journaling, DahnJon-abiding breathing, lying-down relaxation, and more. The program is designed to develop equanimity, insight, and mindfulness.

Our meditation will flow between practice at rest and practice in motion and will deepen each day with step-by-step guidance in qigong, tai-chi, yoga, and various breathing techniques. We will explore the relationship between healthy body energy and spiritual cultivation.

This retreat will include group and individual teaching and sharing with ample free time for hiking and rest. In harmony with the interconnectedness of all things, we will practice outdoors as much as weather permits and bathe in the vibrant mountain energy.

In the spirit of community, all retreatants should plan to arrive on time and stay through the mid-day meal on our final day. Please sign up only if you are committed to participating in the entire retreat. The retreat provides generous personal time, but please be aware that your full participation in group activities is expected. This retreat will be most beneficial for those who already have a regular meditation practice or multi-day retreat experience. If you have any questions about this, please contact Rev. WonGong (

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2:00 PM14:00

Spring Retreat at the Raleigh Temple

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring Retreat

at the Raleigh Temple

2-6 PM, Saturday, Mar 23

Our spiritual cultivation is attuned to seasonal energies. Here in the Piedmont of North Carolina, spring energy already stirs. Through this half-day meditation retreat, let us tune our minds, bodies, and spirits to the energy of the season. This four-hour practice near Falls Lake Woods will help us open our hearts to connect with nature—and with our true nature.  Your kind donation will graciously support our Raleigh Center (Suggested donation: $20-$40). 

To sign up, please click the button below.

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10:00 AM10:00

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)
Jan 15, Monday, 10 am-5 pm at Chapel Hill Temple

Discover our inner Source of Self-Empowerment

In this in-person retreat, we will explore inner power through various forms of meditation to clarify our vision and renew our intentions for the New Year. Just as we train our muscles for physical strength, we cultivate our mental strength through meditation practice. Let us uncover our inner light and empower ourselves through a day of mindfulness, peace, and fellowship. 

Suggested donation range is $30-$70.
If this donation range is not feasible for you, please contact us for scholarship information.

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2:00 PM14:00

Young Adults' Mini Retreat - New Year, New Mind! (Saturday, Jan. 13)

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New Year, New Mind - Young Adults' Mini Retreat

at Chapel Hill Temple

2-6 pm, Saturday, January 13

Young adults (ages 18-28) are invited to a peaceful afternoon with a mini-meditation retreat.

Come and explore several helpful methods for cultivating a clear mind—a perfect way to start the new year and semester! We will end the retreat by making kimbap and eating it together!

The suggested donation range is $10-30. 

if you would like to attend, please sign up no later than January 3 by clicking the button below.

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to Oct 13

Annual Week-Long Retreat at Won Dharma Center, NY

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Nature, Our True Nature

October 6 (Friday, 5 pm) - October 13 (Friday, 12 noon), 2023

Come and experience the joyful essence of our true nature with Rev. WonGong at the Won Dharma Center in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York.

To go deep into our inner calm, we will observe Noble Silence and cultivate many forms of practice—sitting, movement, lying-down relaxation, nature contemplation, journaling, DahnJon-abiding, and more. Our meditation will flow between rest and motion. With step-by-step guidance, we will deepen our meditation through qigong, yoga, and various breathing techniques.

This retreat will include group and individual teaching and sharing with ample free time for hiking and rest. In harmony with the interconnectedness of all things, we will practice outdoors in the crisp, freeing energy of autumn as much as weather permits and bathe in the expansive chi-energy of nature.  

In Won Buddhism, our true nature is symbolized by the image of a circle: no beginning, no ending—true voidness, marvelous existence. To connect with our true nature, we will cultivate equanimity, insight, and mindfulness—the Threefold Practice of Won Buddhism. Through this retreat, may we restore our calm, numinous awareness—the pristine authenticity of our true nature!

In the spirit of community, all retreatants should arrive on time (check-in starts from 3 pm) and stay through the mid-day meal on our final day. 

Please be aware of the following considerations before you sign up:

1.    Please commit to participating in the entire retreat.

2.    The retreat provides generous personal time, but please be aware that your full participation in all group activities benefits your practice and the practice of the entire group. Please plan to participate fully.

3.    Commit to practicing Noble Silence including no phone use throughout the retreat.

4.    This retreat will be most beneficial for those who already have a regular meditation practice or prior multi-day retreat experience. If you have any questions about this, please contact Rev. WonGong (

You can register now at the Won Dharma Center website.

  • Day 1: Friday, Oct. 6
    5:30 pm: Dinner & Orientation
    7:00-8:30 pm: Opening ceremony (Getting to know each other & restful evening meditation)
    8:30-9:30: Settling in
    9:30 pm: Noble Silence begins
    10 pm: Lights out (Meditation in sleep)

    Day 2–7 (Saturday Oct. 7–Thursday Oct. 12) (6 days)
    6:00-7:00 am: Morning meditation
    7:00-7:30 am: Walking & qigong
    7:30-8:30 am: Breakfast
    8:30-10:00 am: Self-practice & Rest
    10:00 am-12 noon: Dharma talks, yoga, & guided meditation
    12 noon-1:00 pm: Lunch
    1:00-3:00 pm: Self-practice or interview with teachers
    Optional exploration: 2-2:45 pm (varies daily): e.g., Learning to chant in Korean
    3:00-4:00 pm: Qigong meditation w/ Rev. Ginger except Station Days
    4:00-5:30 pm: Samadhi (e.g. pine forest hiking, sitting in nature)

    Station Day 1 (Monday, 3-5:30 pm):
    1. Chanting meditation class
    2. Group Q & A with Rev. Yoo
    3. Scripture Copying Meditation

    Station Day 2 (Tuesday, 3-5:30 pm):
    1. Sitting meditation class
    2. Tea Ceremony
    3. Working Meditation at the garlic patch

    5:30-7:00 pm: Dinner
    7:00-8:30 pm: Reflective evening meditation
    8:40-9:30 Optional silent meditation (in the Dharma Hall)
    9:30 ~ Meditation in sleep ~zzz
    10 pm: lights out

    Last Day (Friday, Oct. 13)
    6:00-7:00 am: Morning meditation
    Cleaning: working meditation with house chores
    7:30-9:00 am: Breakfast
    10:00-12 noon: Closing meditation, reflection & sharing
    12 noon- 1:00 pm: Lunch & Happy Travels!

Delightful video from last year’s retreat

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2:00 PM14:00

Autumn Equinox Retreat

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This Saturday is the day of the Autumn Equinox—the perfect balance of universal chi-energy!

In this season of contemplation and abundance, we invite you to give yourself the gift of quiet relaxation and healing. In this autumnal mini-retreat, we will pause to connect with the season’s liberating nature through qigong, woodland walking, and sitting meditation.

This retreat will be held at our Raleigh Meditation Center located in a quiet wooded parcel of land in the Falls Lake area. All levels of practitioners are welcome. To maintain the vessel of community, please arrive by 2 PM and stay until 6 PM. (Those four hours will fly by!) We will also share tea and snacks at the end of the retreat.  

To sign up, please click HERE.

Location: Raleigh Temple (2816 Pleasant Union Church Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614)

Donation range for this retreat: $15-35

(Scholarships are available by prior request.)

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6:00 PM18:00

Summer Evening Meditation - Mini-Retreat via Zoom

Would you like to visit Korea without taking a flight?

From the heart center of Won Buddhism in Iksan, South Korea, Rev. WonGong invites you to join her for a 3-hour mini-retreat via Zoom. In this summer evening, through meditation, recharge your energy and walk with Rev. WonGong as she guides you from the spiritual headquarters of Won Buddhism.

Suggested donation: $15 - $40. Sign up below.

When you use the “Donate” button below, please make sure you leave a note about what you are paying for (follow PayPal’s direction to “add a note” or “add special instructions to the seller”).

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2:00 PM14:00

Young Adults' Mini Retreat (2-5 pm, Saturday, May 6)

Young Adults' Mini Retreat

at Chapel Hill Temple

2-5 pm, Saturday, May 6

Young adults (age 19-28) are invited to a peaceful afternoon with a mini-meditation retreat. You will explore several helpful methods for learning how to enjoy your meditation. This can be a perfect opportunity to prepare you for your finals or to relieve stress from your daily life.
The suggested donation range is $5-20. 

To sign up, please click the button below.

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to Apr 15

In Nature, Our True Nature (at Southern Dharma Retreat Center)

  • Southern Dharma Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Nature, Our True Nature

 April 8 (Saturday) – April 15 (Saturday), 2023

In Nature, Our True Nature

Led by Rev. WonGong

April 8 (Saturday) – April 15 (Saturday), 2023

Come and experience truth—the truth of our own nature!

Spring invites us to invoke our lively chi-energy. Come and experience the joy of our true nature with Rev. WonGong at the Southern Dharma Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

To go deep into our inner calm, we will observe noble silence, practicing many forms of meditation—sitting, movement, nature contemplation, journaling, DahnJon-abiding breathing, lying-down relaxation, and more. The program is designed to develop equanimity, insight, and mindfulness.

Our meditation will flow between practice at rest and practice in motion and will deepen each day with step-by-step guidance in qigong, tai-chi, yoga, and various breathing techniques. We will explore the relationship between healthy body energy and spiritual cultivation.

This retreat will include group and individual teaching and sharing with ample free time for hiking and rest. In harmony with the interconnectedness of all things, we will practice outdoors as much as weather permits and bathe in the vibrant mountain energy.

Please join us as we restore our calm, numinous awareness through the pristine authenticity of our true nature!

In the spirit of community, all retreatants should arrive on time and stay through the mid-day meal on our final day. 

There are still a few spaces available; please register through this link: Mountain Retreat at Southern Dharma (April 8-15) led by Rev. WonGong

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2:00 PM14:00

Spring Retreat at the Raleigh Temple (2-6 pm, Saturday, March 25)

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring Retreat

at the Raleigh Temple

2-6 PM, Saturday, Mar 25

Our spiritual cultivation tunes with seasonal energies. Here in the Piedmont of North Carolina, spring energy already stirs. Through this half-day meditation retreat, let us tune our minds, bodies, and spirits to the energy of the season. This four-hour practice near Falls Lake Woods will help us open our hearts to connect with nature—and with our true nature.  Your kind donation will graciously support our Raleigh Center (Suggested donation: $20-40). 

To sign up, please click the button below.

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to Feb 4

Dharma Name Holders' Retreat (in-person)

Dharma Name Holders' Retreat
(February 3-4, Fri, Saturday)

Dear Dharma Name Holders,

Welcome to our annual retreat! This retreat will be a special time for deepening our meditation practice together. Please sign up below if you are planning to participate in- person. Please plan to arrive on time and practice with us until the end. (Only dharma name holders are eligible to register for this retreat.)

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10:00 AM10:00

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)

MLK Day Retreat (In-person)
Jan 16, Monday, 10 am-5 pm at Chapel Hill Temple

Discover our inner Source of Self-Empowerment

In this in-person retreat, we will explore inner power through various forms of meditation to clarify our vision and renew our intentions for the New Year. Just as we train our muscles for physical strength, we cultivate our mental strength through meditation practice. Let us uncover our inner light and empower ourselves through a day of mindfulness, peace, and fellowship. 

Program Outline:
10 am-12:30 pm: Qigong & Meditation essentials
12:30-1:30 pm: Lunch
1:30-3 pm: Contemplation, Walking in nature, Hand mudra
3-5 pm: Samadhi Meditation & Sharing

Suggested donation range is $30-$70.
If this donation range is not feasible for you, please contact us for scholarship information.

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7:00 PM19:00

Winter Solstice Evening Retreat (Virtual)

Winter Solstice Evening Retreat (Virtual)
Dec 21, Wednesday, 7-9 pm

On the shortest day and longest night of the year, you are invited to join us for a two-hour evening retreat to pause and reflect, hibernating in our true nature.  This retreat will include silent meditation, reflection, gentle movement and chanting.

Donations are appreciated.  Please sign up only if you can attend for the entire two hours.

To sign up, please click the button below.

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3:00 PM15:00

Autumn Mini-Meditation Retreat

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Autumn Mini-Meditation Retreat

Sunday, October 23, 2022

3:00 - 6:00 pm

2816 Pleasant Union Church Rd. Raleigh NC 27614

For this week, our Sunday evening meditation service at the Raleigh Center will be replaced with this 3-hour retreat.


In this season of change, abundance, and reflection, we invite you to give yourself the gift of quiet relaxation and healing. In this autumnal mini-retreat, we will pause to connect with the season’s liberating chi-energy through qi-gong movement, woodland walking, and sitting meditation. All levels of practitioners are welcome. To maintain the vessel of community, please plan to arrive on time and stay until 6 PM. We will share tea and snacks at the end of the retreat.  

Donation range for this retreat: $15-35

(Scholarships are available by prior request.)

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to Oct 12

Annual Week-Long Retreat at Won Dharma Center, NY

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Nature, Our True Nature

October 6 (Thursday, 5 pm) - October 12 (Wednesday, 12 noon), 2022

Come and experience truth—the truth of our own nature!

In Won Buddhism, our true nature is symbolized in the image of a circle: no beginning, no end—true voidness, marvelous existence.

In this retreat, we will explore our true nature in both rest and motion though many forms of meditation: sitting, movement, tea ceremony, contemplative journaling, DahnJon-abiding breathing, lying-down relaxation, and more.

Our days will be permeated with noble silence, and we will focus on developing equanimity, insight, and mindfulness through the four stages of Timeless Zen Meditation. Throughout this retreat, you will receive practical step-by-step guidance for meditation, qigong/tai-chi, and various breathing techniques.

The connection of healthy body energy and spiritual cultivation will be emphasized, and there will be opportunities for group and individual teaching and sharing, as well as ample free time for hiking or rest. By tuning and balancing the energy of our bodies and minds, we will cultivate a calm awareness, deepen our meditation each day, and let the light of our true nature shine.

In harmony with Won Buddhism’s belief in the interconnectedness of all things, we will practice outdoors as weather permits, to receive the crisp, freeing energy of autumn in the Catskill Mountains. In the spirit of community, all retreatants should arrive on time (check-in starts from 3 pm) and stay through the mid-day meal on our final day. 

Retreat Program Schedule

(Subject to Change)

First day: Arrival Day

5:30 pm: Dinner

7-8:30 pm: Opening Meditation & Ceremony


From Day 2:

5:30-6:40 am: Morning meditation

6:40-7:45 am: Walking & qigong

7:50-9:00 am: Breakfast

9:00-10:00 am: Self-practice

10:00 am-12 noon: Guided meditation & silent sitting

12 noon- 1:00 pm: Lunch

1:00-2:30 pm: Self-practice or interview with teacher

2:30-3:30 pm: Qigong meditation by Rev. Ginger

3:30-5:30 pm: Samadhi in nature

5:30-7:00 pm: Dinner

7:00-8:30 pm: Evening practice (dharma talk, journaling, meditation)

8:40-9:30 Optional self-practice

9:30 ~ Meditation in sleep ~zzzzzzz


Rev. WonGong (affectionately known as Rev. Wow!) is a lifetime dedicated dharma teacher. As a pioneering Won Buddhist priest, she has established temples in Chapel Hill and Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a guest lecturer at schools, colleges, and meditation centers, teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation to people of all ages and backgrounds. Her creative teaching connects Buddhist concepts with daily practice.

Rev. WonGong integrates creative forms of meditation with body movement, vocal Qigong, breathing techniques, guided meditation, and laughter. She is active in the international interfaith community and is a leading Korean-to-English translator of dharma teachings, serving as a spiritual bridge between East and West.

She loves gardening, architecture, interior design, and singing. In 2018, she released an album, Chants of Samadhi for Daily Practice, and, in 2020 she released her second album, Chants for Healing.

To register, click the button below. Please register early due to limited space.

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10:00 AM10:00

Labor Day Retreat

Please join us for our in-person Labor Day retreat!

As summer wanes and we welcome September, the Labor Day Meditation Retreat beckons us!

This retreat will include an introduction to meditation, qigong, discussion, contemplation, noble silence, and more. Vegetarian lunch will be provided.

Come and explore techniques to help you overcome physical and mental obstacles to peace and freedom. You will experience an inspired mind and a relaxed body from this day-long retreat. All levels of practitioners are welcome. To honor the energy of the retreat, please plan to attend the entire day.

The suggested donation range is $ 40-75. (Need-based scholarships are available, so please contact us.)

When you use the “Donate” button below, please make sure you leave a note about what you are paying for (follow PayPal’s direction to “add a note” or “add special instructions to the seller”).

Cancellation Policy:

· If you cancel 7 or more days prior to the retreat, your payment will be refunded in full.

· If you cancel less than 7 days in advance of the retreat, a nonrefundable credit toward a future NC Temple retreat program is available.

· No credit or refund is available if you cancel on the day of retreat, or if you leave the retreat early for any reason.  

For questions, please call us at 919-933-6946 or email us at

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2:00 PM14:00

Half Day Retreat (Virtual)

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (via Zoom) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Half Day Retreat (Virtual)

(August 13, Sat, 2-6 pm)

This retreat will include an introduction to meditation, Qigong, discussion, contemplation, noble silence, decluttering, and more. Explore techniques to help you overcome physical and mental obstacles to peace and freedom. You will experience an inspired mind and a relaxed body from this half-day retreat. 

All levels of practitioners are welcome. To honor the energy of the retreat, please plan to enter the zoom room on time and stay until the end.

The suggested donation range is $20-40.

To receive the Zoom link, please click the button below and sign up.

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1:00 PM13:00

Memorial Day Half-Day Retreat: Qigong & Meditation

In this beautiful month of May, we are offering a half-day Qigong and Meditation Retreat.

We will enjoy a half day of moving, sitting, and lying down—mainly indoors as well as outdoors if weather permits. Beginners are welcome.

Suggested donation range is $20-$50. (No one is turned away due to financial hardship.) 

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1:00 PM13:00

April Half-Day Retreat (at the Chapel Hill Temple)

April Half-Day Retreat at the Chapel Hill Temple

April 29th, Friday, 1-5 PM

In this beautiful time of spring’s climax, let us breathe in vibrant chi-energy by enjoying a four-hour meditation with qigong, walking, sitting, as well as earth connecting and sky-gazing meditation. 

Please bring your water bottle, yoga mat, and folding chair (optional). Finger food will be provided as a snack. Your kind donation will graciously support our meditation garden project, especially the creation of the “Timeless Zen” stone monument for the entrance. 

Suggested donation range is $20-$50. (No one is turned away due to financial hardship.)

To register, please click the button below.

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2:00 PM14:00

Spring Half-Day Retreat (at the Raleigh Temple)

Spring Half-Day Retreat

at the Raleigh Temple

Mar 20, Sun, 2-6 pm

bathe in nature.jpg

This four-hour meditation retreat includes qigong, walking, sitting, and tree meditation.

We will come together with fellow friends in our tranquil Temple garden and nourish our joyful practice. 

Bring your yoga mat, folding chair, and water bottle. Your kind donation will graciously support our Raleigh Center. Suggested donation range is $20-$40.

To sign up, please click the button below.

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10:00 AM10:00

MLK Day Retreat (Virtual)

MLK Day Retreat (Virtual)
Jan 17, Mon, 10am-5pm

Discover a Source of Self-Empowerment

We are happy to announce our online retreat on MLK Day.

In this at-home retreat, we will explore inner power through various forms of meditation, which will help us clarify our vision and renew our intentions for the New Year.

Just as we train our muscles for physical strength and ability, we cultivate our mental strength through meditation practice. Let us uncover our inner light and empower ourselves through this day of mindfulness, peace and fellowship. 

Program Outline via Zoom:

10 am-12 noon: Introduction, Qigong, Meditation 

Noon-2 pm: Off-line Personal Practice (with optional activity)

2-3 pm: Journaling, Reflection & Decluttering

3-5 pm: Hand Mudra, Silent Meditation, Sharing

Suggested donation range is $20-$60.

No one is turned away due to financial limitation.

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1:00 PM13:00

Winter Solstice Half-Day Retreat (Virtual)

Winter Solstice Half-Day Retreat (Virtual)
Dec 21, Tuesday, 1-5 pm

On the shortest day of the year, you are invited to join us for a half-day retreat to pause and reflect, hibernating in our true nature. This four-hour retreat will include reflection with friends and silent meditation in sitting, walking, decluttering, and lying down. We will also use Qigong to settle our winter energy. Please have with you a journal, yoga mat or blanket (for lying down meditation), water bottle, and a proper chair with flat seat (if possible) or meditation mat for sitting meditation.

Donations are appreciated.  Please sign up only if you can attend for the entire time.

To sign up, please click the button below.

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1:00 PM13:00

Half Day Retreat (Virtual)

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (via Zoom) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Half Day Retreat (Virtual)

(Oct 15, Fri, 1-5 pm)

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This retreat will include an introduction to meditation, Qigong, discussion, contemplation, noble silence, decluttering, and more. Come and explore techniques to help you overcome physical and mental obstacles to peace and freedom. You will experience an inspired mind and a relaxed body from this half-day retreat. 

All levels of practitioners are welcome. To honor the energy of the retreat, please plan to enter the zoom room on time and stay until the end.

The suggested donation range is $ 20-40.

To receive the Zoom link, please click the button below and sign up.

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to Sep 25

In Nature, Our True Nature at Southern Dharma Center

  • Won Buddhism Meditation Temple (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Happy Chi-Generation Qigong.jpg

Our true nature is the state of mind that exists before sadness, worry, anger, happiness, or joy. In true nature, there is nothing to defend. There is nothing lacking or overflowing—no sense of success or failure. Our true nature cannot be described in words but is always there. It is indestructible.

This retreat will focus on cultivating equanimity, insight, and mindfulness with nature as our dharma teacher. We will deepen our practice through silent meditation, chanting, body movement, dharma discourse, small group conversation, and one-on-one interviews. The mind-body relationship is integral to this experience, so we will include ample movement (stretching, Tai-chi, Qigong) and rest time to balance chi-energy.

This retreat draws on the heritage of Won Buddhism, a modern spiritual movement from Korea, with philosophical background in Taoism, Confucianism and traditional Buddhism.

Let us bathe together in the great mountain energy of Southern Dharma!

Space is limited and registration opens on July 1st at this link.

Guided by Rev. WonGong. Rev. WonGong (affectionately known as Rev. Wow!Gong) is the head dharma teacher at the Won Buddhism Meditation Temples in Chapel Hill and Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a guest lecturer at schools, colleges, and meditation centers around the world, teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation to people of all ages and experience. Rev. WonGong integrates creative forms of meditation with body movement, vocal Qigong, breathing techniques, guided meditation, and laughter. Rev. WonGong is a master of implementing ideas for integrating the concepts of Buddhism into daily practice. Her kind, compassionate, and wise nature makes her a valued life counselor and effective teacher. She loves gardening and singing; she’s released two CDs—Chants for Healing (2020) and Chants of Samadhi (2018).

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