[Ongoing] Tuesday Evening Meditation (7:30 - 8:30 PM)
We gather on Tuesday evening in person and via Zoom. This practice includes stretching, sitting, lying down, and chanting. Enjoy the soft chi energy of the evening which supports our meditation in silence and peace. To receive a Zoom link, please email wontempleNC@gmail.com.
Please wear loose-fit clothing and clean socks
Your donations are appreciated!
If you practice from home…
Wear comfortable clothing. Make your home feel like a meditation room with soft light, sitting in a chair or on the floor. Placing candlelight in front of you can be a good ritual for evening meditation.
You may dim the light and sit a little distance from your computer if that is more relaxing, although we encourage you to turn on the video so that we can feel one another’s presence. Thank you for practicing with us!
[Ongoing] Thursday Morning Dharma Study (Zoom)
Thursday Morning Dharma Study
(10-11:20 am, Every Thursday)
Thursday 10 AM Dharma Study
All are welcome to join the heart of practice through scripture study on Chapter 3. Practice!
Every Thursday (10 am ET), we will meet to deeply explore the dharma of each verse with friends. All are invited to join us via Zoom. If you are New to the class, please email wontemplenc@gmail.com to receive the zoom link.
If you are not available to join on Thursday morning, here are some other ways to study with us:
· Read & contemplate on one verse each week,
· SaKyong Meditation: write a verse by hand daily or weekly.
From this self-study and contemplation, feel free to share your reflections & questions with the Reverends from time to time. If you don’t have a scripture book, you can also access this chapter through this link: Chapter 3. Practice, The Scripture of the Founding Master.
[Ongoing] Thursday Dharma Study (Zoom & In person)
Thursday Dharma Study
Thursday Dharma Study—all are welcome!
With open hearts and minds, we delve into one dharma passage every week. Every Thursday, we contemplate and discuss passages from Chapter 3 – Practice.
There are 3 options for you to join:
10-11:15 AM via Zoom
7-8:15 PM via Zoom
7-8:15 PM in person (Chapel Hill Temple Residence)
You can purchase a copy of the Scripture of Won Buddhism from our temples, or you can access it through this link: http://wonscripture.org/Main/SubIndex/daejong0354
If you are New to the class, please email wontemplenc@gmail.com to let us know you will be attending in person, or to receive the zoom link.
Intro Class to Buddhism & Won-Buddhism
Intro Class to Buddhism & Won-Buddhism
March 8, Saturday, 2:00 - 4:30 PM (in person at Chapel Hill Temple)
Have you ever wondered about the differences between Buddhism and Won Buddhism? To find out, please join our class.
Anyone interested in exploring the essential teachings and philosophies of Buddhism & Won Buddhism is welcome to join. Taking this intro class more than one time can help you in your practice journey.
Suggested donation: $10-40 (Your generosity is appreciated.)
To sign up, please click the button below.
Qigong Workshop (Raleigh Temple)
Qigong Workshop
Saturday, February 22 (2-5 PM)
The class will be held at the Raleigh Temple.
Hope to learn basic Qigong and Tai-chi forms that you can easily include in your daily practice? What to explore how Qigong can lead to a deeper meditation? If so, please join our 3-hour Qigong Workshop at our Raleigh Temple on Saturday, February 22. Rev. WonGong’s accessible teaching style invites all–beginners, those who have been practicing for awhile, and those who aspire to teach Qigong to others. (Donation: the suggested donation is $10-$50)
We are sorry. All spaces have been filled.
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
January 15, Wednesday, 6-8 pm ET
Have you ever wondered about the differences between Buddhism and Won Buddhism? To find out, please join our class—from wherever you are—via Zoom!
Anyone interested in exploring the essential teachings and philosophies of Buddhism & Won Buddhism is welcome to join. Taking this intro class more than one time can help you in your practice journey. Please sign up if you can commit to two full hours so we can create the vessel of community learning together.
Suggested donation: $10-30 (Your generosity is appreciated.)
To sign up, please click the button below.
National Sangha Gathering (Zoom)
Join us for a heartwarming start to the New Year of 2025!
Let us come together for a moment of silence, prayer, and sharing as we welcome the New Year with Venerable Juksanim. Join us for the 2nd National Sangha Gathering as we come together to experience the beginning of 2025 surrounded by the warmth and sincerity of our Won Buddhist community from around the country.
What’s in store for this 1.5-hour gathering:
Sharing from each temple community.
Connect with friends from other temples in cozy breakout rooms.
Q & A session with Ven. Jooksanim, Head Dharma Master of the U.S.
Community prayer and meditation.
This is your chance to start the New Year with a sense of togetherness and hope.
2025 New Year's Day Celebration
A beautiful beginning begets a beautiful ending!
Make Your New Year’s Day a Special One!
New Year’s Day Celebration
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
11 AM (ET), In-person & Livestreaming:
Celebrate the first day of the New Year with meditation, prayers, music, followed by healthy refreshments and fellowship!
The program also includes:
· A dharma talk from Rev. WonGong.
· Contemplative writing of our New Year’s hopes, resolutions, and intentions (We will place one copy on the altar, which will later be mailed to you.)
With clear vision and bright energy, we look forward to greeting the New Year with you! Children are welcome!
Year-end "Letting-Go" Ceremony
Year-end Letting-Go Ceremonies
Our in-person ceremonies are full.
Please enjoy our livestream of the online ceremony via YouTube Live (starts at 7:30 pm.)
Dear Friends,
On December 31, we will be offering Year-end Letting-go Ceremonies.
4:00-5:15 PM Year-end Letting-go Ceremony (In-Person Only)
7:30-8:45 PM Year-end Letting-go Ceremony (In-Person & Online)
Each program will include:
Guided meditation and contemplation of the past year
Karma burning ceremony: On a piece of paper, we will write down our heaviness and regrets from 2024 and burn our lists to enter the new year with a refreshed mind.
Children ages 10 and older are welcome (If they can safely hold lighted candles and enjoy sitting still for 5 minutes.)
For your reference, Here is the video of the previous ceremony.
We hope you can join us for one of these ceremonies. If you wish to join in person, please sign up. In consideration to others, please sign up only if you can commit to showing up.
Sound Healing Meditation
Let us welcome the Winter Solstice by immersing ourselves in deeply resonant healing sounds at the Chapel Hill Temple! We will have two 80-minute meditations (3 PM & 7 PM) immersed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, gongs, and chanting voices.
In this magical time of dark and light, we will be guided to rest our hearts and minds, while tuning into the vibrations of vocal and instrumental sounds. As we gather in the community, the cosmic energy of the Winter Solstice invites us to release mental and emotional blockages. Come join us!
The suggested donation for this special event is $20-40. (If you use PayPal, our Temple is charged a 3% fee, so please consider adding 3% to cover this fee. Thank you!)
Spiritual Thanksgiving Service & Community Potluck
Spritual Thanksgiving Service
10 AM (ET), Sunday, December 1
(Livestream & In Person at the Chapel Hill Temple)
During this Thanksgiving month, we are blessed to rekindle our hearts of gratitude! On Sunday, December 1st, we will gather to celebrate and honor our deceased loved ones at our annual Spiritual Thanksgiving Service. Please bring photos of your ancestors and deceased family members, friends, pets, and anyone deceased who has been special in your life. This service will also include a guided meditation on gratitude, chants, prayers, and music. Children are invited to attend with their families!
Please click here to add the names of your deceased loved ones you would like to honor. Their names will be included in a prayer at the service.
Community Potluck
Immediately after our special Thanksgiving service, everyone is warmly invited to stay for a community potluck at the Residence with fellowship and good cheer.
If you’d like to share a dish, please bring a ready-to-serve dish that feeds 10 people to the Residence between 9:30-9:50 AM before the service begins. Include a card listing the ingredients. If you plan to contribute a dish or beverage, please go to this Link to Thanksgiving Meal Sign Up. Please don’t feel obligated to bring a dish—there always is plenty to share. The most important thing to bring is yourself!
Any questions? Please contact our potluck coordinator,
Holly: hollynorth20@gmail.com
Sound Healing Meditation, Raleigh Temple
I’m sorry. We are now fully booked. Please join our next event in December.
Sound Healing Meditation
(4-5:30 PM, Sunday, Nov. 10, Raleigh Temple)
Come immerse yourself in a sound healing experience through deeply resonant vocal and instrumental vibrations.
Our Raleigh Temple located near Falls Lake is infused with forest chi-energy. The cozy and open space invites you to come relax in inner peace.
Our suggested donation is $15-40; please support however you can (no one will be turned away for lack of funds.)
Please sign up by clicking the button below.
Autumn Open House (12-4 pm, October. 27)
Autumn Open House
(12-4 pm, October. 27)
Celebrate Autumn with family and friends at our Open House!
Come and celebrate the golden days of autumn and the welcoming energy of our community at this Sunday’s Open House at the Chapel Hill Temple!
Come enjoy Mini Classes (repeating every 20 minutes until 4:00):
12:00 Decoding the magic of the Dharma Hall
12:20 Sound Healing
12:40 Meditation Intro
1:00 Qigong
…… repeating until 4:00
Other ongoing activities include:
Tea ceremonies in the tearoom
Nifty temple gift shop at the residence
Light refreshments near the information desk
Fun kids’ activities & art in the front garden
Self-guided meditative strolling in the temple garden
After our Sunday morning (10 am) dharma service, you are welcome to enjoy our beautiful garden and stay for the open house. The snack court will open at noon!
A Special Pre-Opening Sale for Temple Friends
Gift Shop at the residence (12-4 pm, Saturday, Oct 26th)
Featured Sale Items: Meditation clothing, prayer beads & bracelets, incense, moktak (wooden gongs), bells, singing bowls, Il-Won-Sang plaques, pottery, lotus lantern, traditional Korean crafts & artwork, Dharma books and more!! The proceeds will help rebuild our dharma hall deck.
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
October 12, Saturday, 2-4 pm ET
Have you ever wondered about the differences between Buddhism and Won Buddhism? To find out, please join our class—from wherever you are—via Zoom!
Anyone interested in exploring the essential teachings and philosophies of Buddhism & Won Buddhism is welcome to join. Taking this intro class more than one time can help you in your practice journey. Please sign up if you can commit to two full hours so we can create the vessel of community learning together.
Suggested donation: $10-30 (Your generosity is appreciated. Please know that scholarships are also available; please contact us in advance to learn more.)
To sign up, please click the button below.
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (In-person, Raleigh Temple)
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (In-person)
at the Raleigh temple
On Saturday, August 17th from 2:30 - 5:00pm we're hosting our popular Won Buddhism Introductory Class at the Raleigh Temple. Whether you have attended Temple programs before or are brand new to the concepts of Buddhism and meditation, you are warmly welcomed to join us!
During this interactive class, we'll explore the essential teachings and basic philosophies of Won Buddhism. This session will cover:
The origins of Buddhism and Won Buddhism
The role of meditation in Buddhist practice
The meaning of Il Won Sang - the circle image you'll find hanging in our Temples
What we mean when we say, "All is grace"
And more!
Our Temple is an inclusive space where questions are encouraged and everyone is welcome. Please sign up only if you can commit to the full 2.5 hours so we can hold the vessel of community learning.
The suggested donation for this one-time class is $10 - $30. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Scholarships are also available; please contact wontemplenc@gmail.com in advance for scholarship information.
To sign up, please click the button below.
Meditation Intro Class at the Raleigh Temple
Suggested donation: $10 - $30
Please use one of the methods via this link: https://www.wonbuddhismnc.org/donations or you can pay at the door.
*Please specify "Meditation Intro" on the payment. (If you are a monthly temple sustainer, this class is our gift to you.)
This class is for anyone who is interested in learning the basics of meditation with guidance from an experienced teacher. Meditation is a powerful technique for dealing with stress, difficult emotions, and uncertainty. During this one-time, 90-minute class, we'll cover the foundations of what meditation is and how to start practicing it. You'll experience:
Guided seated meditation
Qigong moving meditation
Deep breathing techniques
Group chanting meditation
Everyone will have the opportunity to experiment with using different props and tools to find a comfortable meditation posture that works for them. We'll also have an interactive question and answer session. This special class is a great way to try out meditation in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Peace Meditate-A-Thon on Memorial Day
Here’s How it Works
All day on Monday May 27, our peaceful meditations will honor those who have sacrificed and are sacrificing their lives for the greater good of humanity. You are invited to attend any of the 25-minute meditation sessions, as we collectively pass our peaceful energy on to others.
At 10 a.m. we will begin with a prayer ceremony. From 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., continuous 25-minute meditation sessions will start every 30 minutes. Come and go as you like (staying for the entire 25-minute session).
Transitions will be indicated by the ringing of a bell.
Five-minute transition times are for mindfully entering, exiting, and stretching. To respect the practice of others, please:
transition with minimal disturbance
stay for the entire 25-minute meditation session
drive in and out of the parking lot quietly
practice noble silence
Sitting periods may be alternated with walking meditations through the temple grounds. Although this program is not offered online, consider joining us wherever you are, using this meditation timetable.
NEW this year:
Your kind donation to the Meditate-a-thon (any amount you choose to give) will be sent to help the Flood Victims in Brazil and the World Central Kitchen for hunger relief around the world.
3 ways to participate are:
you may simply meditate for Peace
you may meditate & donate for peace
you may simply donate for peace
If possible, please sign up for time slot(s) HERE. (You are welcome to sign up for as many sessions as you wish. You are also welcome any time without signing up.)
With the blessing of this practice, may WE abide in our peaceful nature, ready to share peace in our lives and with the world.
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (In-person, Chapel Hill Temple)
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (In-person)
at the Chapel Hill Temple
Have you ever wondered about the differences between Buddhism and Won Buddhism? To find out, please join our class at the Raleigh Temple.
Anyone interested in exploring the essential teachings, basic principles, and philosophies of Buddhism & Won Buddhism is welcome to join our introductory class (in-person). Please sign up only if you can commit to full hours so we can hold the vessel of community in learning.
Suggested donation: $10-30 (Your generosity is appreciated. Scholarships are also available; please contact us in advance to learn more.)
To sign up, please click the button below.
Spring Open House (12-4 pm, April 28)
Spring Open House
(12-4 pm, April. 28)
Around the world, April 28th is Won Buddhism’s most celebrated day of the year!
One hundred and nine years ago, at the break of dawn on April 28, 1916, our Founding Teacher, Sotaesan, attained Great Enlightenment after having been immersed in 20 years of sincere ascetic practices. That morning, the light of truth fully penetrated Sotaesan’s spirit, and Won Buddhism was born!
Please join us on Sunday, April 28th, to mark Sotaesan’s Great Awakening, the beginning of Won Buddhism, and our Reverends’ spiritual birthdays! We will start the day at 10 AM with a joyful community service, followed by a reception and our wonderful family-friendly Spring Open House (12-4 pm), which will include activities for everyone from young to old!
10 -11:30 Celebration Service (children ages 5 and older are welcome)
11:30-12 noon: Reception with refreshments
12 noon-4 pm: Open House (mini-sessions every 30 minutes, Chapel Hill Dharma Hall)
12-12:30 Qigong (ancient energy-restoring movement)
12:30-1:00 Dharma Hall Experience
1:00-1:30 Sound Healing Relaxation
1:30-2:00 Meditation Class
2:00-2:30 Qigong
2:30-3:00 Dharma Hall Experience
3:00-3:30 Sound Healing
3:30-4:00 Meditation Class
In addition to the programs running each half hour, you can jump in anytime to:
- Tea ceremonies
- Fun kids’ activities
- The meditation path and garden
The Giftshop will be open in the Residence.
We look forward to enjoying this very special day with you and your family and friends! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
May this month of awakening bring you many blessings!
Great Awakening Day Special Dharma Service
The shades of green this time of year are stunning.
In Won Buddhism, we call April the month of Great Awakening.
On April 28, 1916, our Founding Teacher, Sotaesan, attained his Great Enlightenment, and Won Buddhism was born. April is the biggest month of celebration for Won Temple communities throughout the world.
On April 28, we celebrate:
Sotaesan’s Great Awakening
The beginning of Won Buddhism
The Reverends’ birthdays as our spiritual birth
And… the great potential in each of us for our own great awakening
In the morning (10 AM), we will have a special service to celebrate the birthday of Won Buddhism with:
- Singing and Chanting
- Prayers and Meditation
Join YouTube Live
In the afternoon (12-4 PM), we will celebrate with our open house.
Mini classes (every 30 mins, in the Dharma Hall)
- Qigong (ancient energetic martial arts)
- Dharma Hall Experience
- Sound Healing Sessions
- Meditation Class
Jump in anytime to:
- Fun kids activities (arts, crafts & games)
- Korean tea ceremonies
- Meditation path and garden
** No experience is required for any of the activities.
Children are welcome!
Please save the date, April 28th (the last Sunday of this month).
Children Meditation Guides Workshop (April 20, Saturday)
Children Meditation Guides Workshop (12:30-2 pm, April 20, Saturday)
Would you like to learn how to lead meditation for children or help with our children’s meditation programs or summer camps? If you have an interest, please join us for our Meditation Guides Workshop, which will take place at the Chapel Hill Temple from 12:30-2 pm. It will be fun!
If you can, come to the 10 AM Saturday meditation service and then join us for a happy light lunch before this workshop begins.
10th Anniversary of the Raleigh Temple
Come and join our temple’s 10th anniversary with this celebration program: a video of our 10-year journey, Q & A time with Ven. Jooksanim (Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism USA), music, and food. Children are welcome!
Spring Qigong Workshops (Chapel Hill Temple)
Spring Qigong Workshops, guided by Bob Lehnberg
March 8 (3-4:30 pm, Friday) & MARCH 15 (3-4:30 PM, Friday) (You can join one or Both)
Classes will be held indoors and outdoors at the Chapel Hill Temple.
Enter the spring season with movement for health. Learn the Eight Brocades, a qigong set that is both strengthening and calming in nature. The underlying principles of this classic form are foundational for any practice. Anyone interested, or just qi curious is welcome.
Half of the proceeds from this workshop will support the temple deck project. We recently tore down our deck’s stairs due to the wood rot. Not having access to the dharma hall deck greatly limits our available space for dharma services, so we are eager to rebuild our steps quickly before warm weather comes.
Qigong is a great way to drink the vibrant chi-energy of spring! We hope the basic Qigong and Tai-chi forms you will learn in this session will become part of your daily life.
Bio for Bob Lehnberg:
Bob Lehnberg received his certification as Practitioner and then Teacher of Body-Mind Centering® (BMCsm) in 1990 and 2002 respectively. Since then, Bob has received teacher certifications for BMC Yoga, Integral Yoga and Supreme Science of Qigong. He has been teaching in schools of massage therapy and programs of somatic training since 1990 and has had the good fortune to teach BMC and somatic practices throughout the US and internationally in Europe, Canada, China, and Taiwan. Bob was introduced to taiji in 1986 and qigong in 1992. He has studied with various teachers since then. Qigong serves as a foundation for his body-mind-spirit practice. For more information about Bob, visit: www.boblehnberg.com
To sign up, please click the button below.
(Donation: Any amount is appreciated; the suggested donation is $10-$40)
Special Gatherings with Ven. Juksanim!
Ven. Juksanim, the Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism USA is visiting our temple!
Join our special gatherings with happiness and dharma.
March 16th. Saturday Meditation 10 AM
March 17th. Sunday Dharma Service 10 AM
March 17th. Sunday Raleigh Service 4 PM (10th Anniversary)
Traditional Paper Making Workshop with Hanji Artist, So Bean
Korean Traditional Hanji (Paper) Making Workshop with Hanji Artist, So Bean
March 9 (3-5 pm, Saturday)
Registration for the class is closed, as all the spaces have been taken. Thank you.
Donation range: $20-$50
In this workshop, the artist, So Bean, will guide us to make Joomchi, a traditional paper made from a technique that creates beautiful layers and textures. The paper will be used for craft making during the workshop.
Artist So Bean creates sculptures made with traditional Korean paper (Hanji). His work has been shown worldwide—in Korea, Japan, China, France, Germany, Belgium, and Holland. As cousins, Rev. WonGong and So Bean grew up together, and it is a great joy to have him here to share his expertise and talents with us.
Won-Buddhism 201 Class (In-person)
Won-Buddhism 201: A Closer Look (In-person)
March 2, Saturday, 3-5 pm
Do you want to know more about Won Buddhism? Have additional questions arisen after you took the Intro Class? To dive deeper into learning the essential teachings of Won Buddhism, please join our in-person class at the Chapel Hill Temple.
In this WB 201 class, we will focus on exploring Threefold Practice and Timeless Meditation. At our open discussion, we will add to our understanding of Buddhist practice, exploring what is Dharma, Karma, and our True nature, as well as how all these teachings connect with modern human experience. Please bring any questions you have.
Please be sure to commit to the full two hours, so we can hold a vessel of community in learning. Suggested donation: $10-$30 (Your generosity is appreciated. Please know that scholarships are also available; contact us in advance to learn more.)
This class is available for anyone who took the WB 101 Intro Class! To sign up, please click the button below.
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
Won-Buddhism Introductory Class (Virtual)
January 22, Monday, 6-8 pm EST
Have you ever wondered about the differences between Buddhism and Won Buddhism? To find out, please join our class—from wherever you are—via Zoom!
Anyone interested in exploring the essential teachings and philosophies of Buddhism & Won Buddhism is welcome to join. Taking this intro class more than one time can help you in your practice journey. Please sign up if you can commit to two full hours so we can create the vessel of community learning together.
Suggested donation: $10-30 (Your generosity is appreciated. Please know that scholarships are also available; please contact us in advance to learn more.)
To sign up, please click the button below.
Turtle-Chart Dharma Course
January 10- March 13, 2023
8-week class, Wednesday evenings, 6:00 – 8:00 PM via Zoom
TIME: 6-8 PM EST/ 3-5 PM PST
CEU’S: 2 (Won Institute)
FEE: $600
Dive into the timeless wisdom of Won Buddhism! Discover the unique chart designed by its founder, Sotaesan, often likened to the enduring turtle – a symbol of long life and steadfastness. Explore the eternal teachings of the Fourfold Grace, Threefold Study, and Eight Articles that have inspired minds for over a century. Join us in this immersive journey where you’ll gain deep insights into the harmonious blend of faith and practice, empowering you to infuse these principles into your everyday life. Don’t miss out on this chance to enrich your spiritual journey and bring lasting change to your daily life!
The Won Institute is offering 30%-50% scholarships. The WBS Learn admin will conduct a brief interview to determine your financial need and your intentions for taking the course.
National Sangha Gathering (Zoom)
Join us for a heartwarming start to the New Year of 2024! Let’s come together to pause, reflect and welcome the New Year with Ven. Jooksanim. Join us in experiencing the warmth of sharing positive energy within our beloved Won family.
Everyone is welcome to this event, whether you are new to Won Buddhism or have been active in a Won community for a while. On January 6, we will take time to pause, pray, and celebrate the New Year with Ven. Jooksanim. We will share our delightful energy with each other by being together as friends on this path. Please join to connect and share the light of hope within our Sangha Community and the World!
This 1.5-hour gathering will include:
Community prayer and meditation
Sharing from various temple communities
Meeting other temple friends through breakout rooms
Q & A time with Ven. Jooksanim, the Head Dharma Master of the US
Please sign up HERE or click the image above to join us.

New Year's Day Celebration
A beautiful beginning begets a beautiful ending!
Make Your New Year’s Day a Special One!
New Year’s Day Celebration
Monday, January 1, 2024
11 AM (ET), In-person & Livestreaming:
Celebrate the first day of the New Year with meditation, prayers, music, followed by healthy refreshments and fellowship!
The program also includes:
· Dharma Message from Ven. Jooksanim, the Head Dharma Master of Won Buddhism USA
· Contemplative writing of our New Year’s hopes, resolutions, and intentions (We will place one copy on the altar, which will later be mailed to you.)
With clear vision and bright energy, we look forward to greeting the New Year with you! Children are welcome! Please click the below to sign up.
Year-end "Letting-Go" Ceremony
Year-end "Letting-Go" Ceremonies
Dear Friends,
On December 31, we will be offering in-person Year-End “Letting-Go” ceremonies.
10:00-11:15 AM Year-End Letting Go Service (In-person & YouTube Live Stream)
4:00-5:15 PM Year-End Letting Go Ceremony (In-Person Only)
7:00-8:15 PM Year-End Letting Go Ceremony (In-Person Only)
Each program will include:
Guided meditation and contemplation of the past year
Karma burning ceremony: On a piece of paper, we will write down our heaviness and regrets from 2023 and burn our lists to enter the new year with a refreshed mind.
Children age 8 and older are welcome (if they can safely hold lighted candles).
For your reference, Here is the video of the previous ceremony.
We hope you can join us for one of these ceremonies. If you wish to join in person, please SIGN UP. Be sure to clearly mark which session you plan to attend. In consideration to others, please sign up only if you can commit to showing up.
Solstice Sound Healing Meditation
No Seats are available. Thank you.
Let us welcome the Winter Solstice by immersing ourselves in deeply resonant healing sounds! We will have a 90 minute meditation immersed in the healing sounds of crystal bowls, gongs, didgeridoo and chanting voices.
In this magical time of dark and light, we will be guided to rest our hearts and minds, while tuning into the vibrations of vocal and instrumental sounds. As we gather in the community, the cosmic energy of the Winter Solstice invites us to release mental and emotional blockages. Come join us!
The suggested donation for this special evening is $20-40. (All are welcome regardless of ability to donate).
Spiritual Thanksgiving Service
We practice to discover the heart of gratitude within. We respect all those who have brought us to this Earth and nurtured us to become who we are.
Please join our community as we celebrate this year's Thanksgiving Service (in-person & livestreaming), honoring those in our lives who have passed on. Bring photos of your ancestors, deceased family members, friends, pets, or anyone who was special in your life.
The program will also include guided meditation on gratitude, chants, prayers, and sharing on gratitude. Children are invited to attend with their families!
Please click HERE to RSVP—whether you are attending in-person or online. Please fill out the form below (By Saturday, November 25th) with the full names of those who have died and whom you wish to honor. Their names will be read during the service.