In honor of Sotaesan’s Nirvana Day
10 AM, Saturday and Sunday, May 23rd/ 24th
At the Chapel Hill Temple (8021 Old NC 86, Chapel Hill, NC 27516)
After a lifetime of teaching and dedicated dharma work, Sotaesan, the founding teacher of Won Buddhism, entered Nirvana on June 1st, 1943. Before he died, he suggested that his disciples should include all other buddhas, sages, and saints on his memorial day. We are grateful to those who have guided us in our spiritual journey. It might be a historical figure such as Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sotaesan, or any teachers who have influenced you on your path.
Come and enjoy the special deliverance chants; Let sound healing for all souls wash over you and birth peace within you.
Truth is one; the paths are many. All ways of dancing to the truth are beautiful.
On this day, through meditation and deliverance chants, we honor the spiritual guides in our lives as well as all those who have died in world conflicts. In this memorial service, we also embrace all troubled souls and pray for their complete deliverance.