
This We Pray, with Our Whole Hearts by Lara Olson (Won LaSon)

For some, Buddhist prayer might seem somewhat nebulous, but in this beautiful dharma talk, longtime practitioner, Lara Olson (Won LaSon), gently explores the depths of prayer's many layers. In the process, she finds that an awesome power and peace emerge when we are aligned with universal Truth.


Prayer for World Peace by Rev. WonGong (세게평화기원)

Rev. WonGong's heartfelt plea for a peaceful world is a template for individual practice that informs our interconnected, true nature. She reminds us that there is always a win-win solution when we transcend egoistic and restrictive thoughts and views. May we choose compassion over coercion.

February Prayer by Rev. WonGong

With renewed hope, Rev. WonGong offers a prayer of healing in this new month that is very much like the hope and warming energy brought by each new day. If you find yourself lulled by persistent habits we invite you to press palms together and consider the potential that exists through the aspirational messages in Reverend WonGong's prose.