Won Dharma Center retreatan, Carol Golin, shares how practicing in nature reenergized the depleted energy she experienced while practicing at home. See how this nature-reset impacted her practice as she now settles back into a daily routine. https://www.wonbuddhismnc.org/donations
Pete's Retreat Reflections
What, exactly, happens during a Won Buddhist retreat? Long time temple practitioner Pete Warshaw (Won Jee Ho) details the many practices in which you may engage, and the impact they may have on your personal spiritual path. https://www.wonbuddhismnc.org/donations
Janice Marie's Retreat Reflections
In beautiful prose, dharma friend Janice Marie invokes the image of Mount Tai as an offering in gratitude to her retreat teachers, and also as the aspiration and model of her own practice.
Jared's Retreat Reflections
What arises for you when you attend a week-long retreat? Dharma friend Jared Heelis (Won JaeRyong) shares how his karmic struggles with "Noble Silence" helps to expose true nature. https://www.wonbuddhismnc.org/donations
Irene's Retreat Reflections
What is it like to attend a focused, seven day retreat in noble silence? Irene Sadler shares her deep and vulnerable reflections about the internal chatter that can rise up, and at the same time, show the way to a deeper connection with true nature. https://www.wonbuddhismnc.org/donations