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Turtle-Chart Dharma Course: Won Buddhist Doctrine & Its Application

Turtle-Chart Dharma Course: Won Buddhist Doctrine & Its Application

September 1st- November 10th, 2021

10-week class, Wednesday evenings, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

This is a continuing education program of the 2021 Fall semester from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in Pennsylvania. Everyone is welcome to this online Turtle-Chart Dharma Course, which will be taught by Rev. WonGong So.

Sotaesan, the Founding Teacher, created a chart which includes the essential teachings of Won Buddhism. Looking at what he created, he smiled and said, “This looks like a turtle!” Turtles are auspicious animals in Asian culture and represent longevity. This in-depth course will provide an opportunity for you to learn, contemplate, and discuss the key teachings of Won Buddhism. You will explore simple and profound philosophies that are applicable to daily life. Please join us and become a master of Won Buddhism’s dharma turtle! Click HERE for the registration link. 

This course costs $600, and the Won Institute is offering 30%, 50%, or 80% scholarships. Those who apply for a scholarship will fill out a form and will be briefly interviewed by the Institute regarding financial need and your intentions for taking the course. To apply for a scholarship, please click here: Scholarship Application Form

Turtle Chart.jpg


1.     The Heart of the Turtle—Transmission Verse; What is Il-Won?
2.     The Four Great Principles: The framework of Won Buddhism 
3.     The Fourfold Grace 
4.     The Four Essentials 
5.     Everywhere a Buddha… Really?
6.     Cultivating Equanimity
7.     Cultivating Wisdom
8.     Mindful Choice in Action
9.     What is Faith? Let’s Explore the Eight Articles.
10.  Timeless Meditation…. Wow!


Rev. WonGong (affectionately known as Rev. Wow!Gong) is the head dharma teacher at the Won Buddhism Meditation Temples in Chapel Hill and Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a guest lecturer at schools, colleges, and meditation centers around the world, teaching Buddhist philosophy and meditation to people of all ages and experience. Rev. WonGong integrates creative forms of meditation with body movement, vocal Qigong, breathing techniques, guided meditation, and laughter. She is active in the international interfaith community and is a leading Korean-to-English translator of dharma teachings. Rev. WonGong is a master of implementing ideas for integrating the concepts of Buddhism into daily practice. Her kind, compassionate, and wise nature makes her a valued life counselor and effective teacher. She loves gardening and singing; she’s released two CDs—Chants for Healing(2020) andChants of Samadhi (2018).